Y timing app
Y timing app

TouchDown event): provides the (x,y) position of the touch, relative To the upper left of the canvas TouchUp(number x, number y) When the user stops touching the canvas (lifts finger after a Leaves it there): provides the (x,y) position of the touch, relative TouchDown(number x, number y) When the user begins touching the canvas (places finger on canvas and Was located near the the starting point of the fling gesture. The value "flungSprite" is true if a sprite (0-360 degrees) of the fling, as well as the x velocity and y velocityĬomponents of the fling's vector. Also provides the speed (pixels per millisecond) and heading The (x,y) position of the start of the fling, relative to the upper

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Flung(number x, number y, number speed, number heading, number xvel, number yvel, boolean flungSprite) When a fling gesture (quick swipe) is made on the canvas: provides User first touched the screen, and "draggedSprite" indicates whether a The pair (startX, startY) indicates where the Width Events Dragged(number startX, number startY, number prevX, number prevY, number currentX, number currentY, boolean draggedSprite) When the user does a drag from one point (prevX, prevY) toĪnother (x, y). Value is true if the component is showing and false if hidden. PaintColor The color in which lines are drawn TextAlignment (designer only) Visible Specifies whether the component should be visible on the screen. Height LineWidth The width of lines drawn on the canvas. BackgroundImage The name of a file containing the background image for the canvas FontSize The font size of text drawn on the canvas. Properties BackgroundColor The color of the canvas background. There are also methods for drawing points, lines, and circles. There are events to tell when and where a Canvas has been touched or a Sprite ( ImageSprite or Ball ) has been dragged. Y is the number of pixels away from the top edge of the Canvas.X is the number of pixels away from the left edge of the Canvas.The Width and Height are measured in pixels and must be positive.Īny location on the Canvas can be specified as a pair of (X, Y) values, where The BackgroundColor, PaintColor, BackgroundImage, Width, and Height of the Canvas can be set in either the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. LostFocus() Indicates the cursor moved away from the button so it is now noĪ two-dimensional touch-sensitive rectangular panel on which drawing can be done and sprites can be moved. LongClick() Indicates a user has long clicked on the button. GotFocus() Indicates the cursor moved over the button so it is now possible Events Click() Indicates a user has clicked on the button.

y timing app y timing app

Visible Specifies whether the component should be visible on the screen. ShowFeedback Specifies if a visual feedback should be shown for a button that has an image as background. The shape will not be visible if an Image is being displayed. Shape (designer only) Specifies the button's shape (default, rounded, rectangular, oval). FontTypeface Font family for button text. FontItalic If set, button text is displayed in italics. FontBold If set, button text is displayed in bold. Enabled If set, user can tap button to cause action. Properties BackgroundColor Color for button background. You can use the Enabled property to choose whether a button can be tapped.

y timing app

Many aspects of a button's appearance can be changed. Buttons are components that users touch to perform some action in your app.īuttons detect when users tap them.

Y timing app